Thursday, February 25, 2010

Traditional way of learning vs e-learning II

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Hi readers!

Did you read the previous post on the differences between traditional way of learning and e-learning in term of the convenience factor? Click
here if you have not read it.

So, today's post will be on the comparison of the cost between traditional way of learning and e-learning. According to our research, we found that e-learning is much more affordable than the traditional way of learning. Why do we say so?

Traditional way of learning

For those IT training courses, students are basically involved in Information and Technology (ICT) whereby there is a need to use a computer to study and learn. Therefore, schools need to provide them lab facilities whereby there will be computers for them to use. Classroom training is a very costly business venture. It requires experienced instructors, fully equipped labs, full-time staff to look after the labs and to arrange the schedules of the students. It is expensive as computers,hardware and software are really expensive. It is not just five or six computers but 100 or even more of computers need to be fixed in labs for the students to use. Nowadays, people are engaging to Information and Technology(ICT) where technologies are almost everything in their life.

In this case, students will not show up for class if there is insufficient of resources. If the IT class is not interesting, students will skip class or even sleep in the class as there is no practical work but just theoretically work which is boring. Besides, in order the students to understand more on what their instructor is teaching, they need printed course materials like textbooks or lab manuals to guide them. Students that are IT illiterate need lab manuals and tutorials a lot to guide them. These kind of resources are expensive. Tuition fee for IT courses are expensive as the resources fee are expensive as well. It often representing almost around 10% of the course cost. IT courses cost will cost approximately around RM1370 to RM17,000(roughly) or even more depending on subject covered, the duration of the course and the expertise of the instructor. Students will attend lab classes two or three times in a week for the practical learning and the rest of the time will be in classroom for the theoretically studies. One week, students will attend 3-5 days of classes. Students will have to pay for the traveling money and so on. The cost of the IT courses will probably get up till more than RM20,000.


Generally, we always thought that web-based training is higher in term of cost compared with traditional classroom training. A lot of people think that the more the students interactive with other students with the use of computers, the greater the cost is right? Students share their opinions with their classmates or their instructors through chat services. However, the cost of the classroom training is generally almost the same with e-learning courses.

Students nowadays are almost all IT literate. So, students that are very good in computers do not really need to go for IT courses in traditional classroom training as they could find 2% to 3% less of the cost of the classroom training online. For example, Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) click here program. It offers a lot of courses like Management Training, IT and Software Development and etc. This is where students could learn how to design, configure, install and troubleshoot the network systems. This type of web-based training is usually where the notes or tutorials can be downloaded online or streaming media. The costs range from $100 to $500 equivalent to RM340 to RM1,700 (roughly) depending duration of the course and the subject that will be covered online. It is extremely unbelievable but it is true that the price is cheaper than traditional classroom training.


- studyworld, MCSE The Complete Guide Series [Online], Retrieved on Thursday, 25th of February 2010,
- measureup, MCSE Training [Online], Retrieved on Thursday, 25th of February 2010,

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