Sunday, February 28, 2010

Internet Based Learning

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Hi readers!

The growth in the Internet has now make e-learning becomes more interesting and unique in term of the deliverance of information. There are several important criteria in using e-learning and one of the most important is the deliverance of information via a computer with the use of Internet access and so on. It is not easy to create a web-based learning.

Web-based learning also known as online learning is where a server or the host of the computer is connected to the World Wide Web (WWW). Basically, the whole deliverance of information is through the use of high technologies tool like electronic hardware and also the use of software. People can always get their education online as long as the host of the computer is linked to the World Wide Web (WWW). It is not easy to create an e-learning website because in order to create good websites, programmers, professional instructors and other professional people need to cooperate with each other to manage the website. If the e-learning website clashes and instructors do not know what is the problem, they need to contact the programmers to fix the website. Not only that, instructors need to make the e-learning education to be as interactive as possible in order to grab the attention of the viewers. People will not want to access to the e-learning website if the whole learning process is not interactive.

-definingelearning, Internet Based [Online], Retrieved on Friday, 28th of February 2010
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