Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Cons of e-learning

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Based on the previous post, we already discussed some pros of e-learning such as Convenient and Time, Cost. So, now it’s time to discuss some of the Cons of e-learning. Based on our opinion, some of the disadvantages will selected to discuss with all of you.

User want to use e-learning and they have to use a computer and access the internet as well. Furthermore, user also needs to have some computer skill in using it e-learning such as words processing, internet browser and e-mailing. If the connection is slow it also will make user trouble and difficult to use. Then, it causes the user to get frustrated and will give up as well. As in when a person are using e-learning and the connection slow and the person keep on waiting the browser so it waste the time on waiting. At last the person will give up on waiting it then off the computer as well.

High motivation
E-learning may require time to complete all the work as in assignment or some kind of interactive collaborations. Which mean that user have to be high motivate on their work. If they in low motivated they may not be complete all the assignments on time.

Software and files
E-learning is managing computer files software comfort ability and learning new software, including e-Learning.
If user does not have a skill to organize with good computer its may lost or misplaced to downloaded some files or folder.

by using e-learning the cost to install across our network could prove significant. Before we make an investment, be sure a particular platform or approach is right to us.

Besides, use e-learning it will make the user lack in communicating with teacher and friends. So it also will make the user lack in communication and it not good for them as well because in this society communication is very important. Beyond that, e-learning user will lack on it because they always face on computer and seldom talking to people.


-Tammy Greene,the pros and cons of e-learning [Online], Retrieve on Saturday, 13th of February 2010


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