Friday, January 29, 2010

Poll of the week 2 : Do you prefer the traditional way of learning or the new way (e-learning)?

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Here is the result from last week poll question.


There are a total of 10 voters all together. Based on the above pie chart, it obviously shows that half of the respondents which is 70% voted "both" (the traditional way of learning and e-learning). 20% of the respondents voted "traditional way of learning" as their answer and 10% of the respondents chose "e-learning". Well, there is none of the respondents chose "I do not know" as their answer as they know what they preferred.

We are all aware on how education is distributed right, but which distribution method do you prefer? According to the above result, most of the respondents vote both (the traditional way of learning and e-learning) because they simply prefer to be involved in both environment. There are some people prefer to study in a classroom and at the same time searching for information through the use of electronic devices like laptops. Not only that, apparently, it seems that most of the respondents prefer to study in classrooms with lecturers showing them the power point slides. This is how nowadays a lot of schools use this blending learning method where it uses the combination of traditional way of learning and e-learning method to create interactivity in classroom.

Next, almost one quarter of the respondents prefer the traditional way of learning. Why? This is because they prefer to use textbooks as information sources and references in the library rather than surfing to the internet to search for information sources. Besides, traditional way of learning is whereby instructors will use chalk and talk in classroom. Students will write the notes down in their notebooks. They prefer to listen to the lectures and write important points on the notebooks on the spot. Not only that, they prefer to study in a classroom where there will be discussion in the class and if they couldn't understand the questions, they could just directly ask their instructor by putting their hands up to get the answer.

There is only one respondent vote e-learning. Not all people prefer to study in a classroom environment where it is noisy. There is still some people prefer to have their learning through e-learning. They prefer to use e-books. This is because they probably want to have their own space when they are studying because they may not used to noisy environment. They need to be in an area where there is totally no sound so they could concentrate their studies. They prefer to have lectures and homeworks done online.

Different people prefer to study with different way in different environment right? So, it is a matter on how you learn and study. It is not how the education is being distributed, it is all about whether or not you get enough education.

Stay tune with us as next week, we will be discussing on the topic of the differences between traditional way of learning and e-learning.


Cindy said...

Some more, e-book is saving paper and cost. I think e-book is cheaper than the paper book right?

Brandy said...

yea ....of cause !!

Avelyn said...

Yes. E-books save a lot of trees. It is cheaper for consumers as some of the e-books are free to use and some are not but for schools to start using e-books, it is definitely expensive as the software and hardware that need to be installed at school is going to cost a bomb.

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